We all marvelled at Phil Collins fortitude when he managed to play two sets in one day on different continents armed only with his talent and a big plane. Well now Phil Pops and Mike Shaw from fishonastick bid to take their place alongside the great drummer/cheeky cockney actor when they attempt a similar feat. For London read Stretford and for Philadelphia read Mossley.
Mike is surprisingly nonchalant about their county trotting musical endeavour.
“We first came up with the idea yesterday” he said the day after they’d come up with it. “There are two cracking acoustic nights every Monday called acoustic cafe and acoustic eclectic. Once we’d worked out the timings and the distance and factored in my Ford Fusion 57 plate, it was just a matter of making a couple of phone calls to Terry and Wiz to book us in at both venues.
Obviously we’re taking inspiration from Phil Collins directly. It’s 2 venues, one night, one of us is called Phil so it’s all there really”.
What fans of Phil Collins and underwhelming publicity stunts generally will surely be impressed by is that fishonastick will be appearing in full band mode two days later on the 8th March at the Wonder Inn on Shude Hill in Manchester. Now that’s an achievement which even the great chirpy sticksmith himself could surely never have equalled. We’ve not checked so who knows.
Catch them if you can. If you can keep up with their frantic pace. We recommend a sat-nav and some kind of automotive transport as the best way to do it.
Wiz Mossley from acoustic eclectic,Terry Snowden MBE from The Acoustic Cafe and Gideon Conn from the Wonder Inn were unavailable for comment. Well they probably would have been if we’d have asked them. They’re all quite busy people.
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Helen Shaw, wife of lead singer Mike has cast some doubt on the whole Collinsesque project; “I might want to go to Aldi in the Ford Fusion that night. Mike has suggested an online Asda shop but sometimes their swap out policy disappoints me”.
Fans are advised to keep up to date with their emails and social media accounts in order keep abreast of what is obviously developing into something of a logistical hot musical muffin.
For more details go on the Gigs and events page.